



1. What is the update about?


The update for the English version of Sakura Campus is mainly focused on improving the user interface and adding new features for international students. The goal is to make the app more user-friendly and accessible for non-Chinese speakers.

Improved User Interface

The update includes a revamped user interface with clearer navigation and more intuitive design. This will make it easier for international students to find the information they need, such as class schedules, campus events, and academic resources.

New Features for International Students

With the update, international students will have access to new features tailored to their needs, such as language support, cultural exchange programs, and a community forum for connecting with other international students.

2. How will the update benefit international students?

The update is designed to benefit international students in several ways. Firstly, the improved user interface will make it easier for them to navigate the app and access important information about campus life and academic resources. Additionally, the new features specifically tailored to international students will help them feel more supported and connected within the campus community.

Improved Accessibility

By providing language support and a more intuitive design, the update will make it easier for international students to engage with the app and stay informed about campus events, resources, and opportunities.

Enhanced Support and Community

The new features, such as cultural exchange programs and the community forum, will provide international students with opportunities to connect with their peers, share experiences, and access support tailored to their specific needs as non-Chinese speakers.