The English translation for "看动物世界" is "watching the an">





What is the English translation for "看动物世界"?

The English translation for "看动物世界" is "watching the animal world."


It refers to observing or watching the behavior and interactions of various animals in their natural habitats.

What is the equivalent phrase for "动物世界" in English?

The equivalent phrase for "动物世界" in English is "animal world."

This term encompasses all the different species of animals and their ecosystems, including their interactions and behaviors.

How do you say "观察动物" in English?

The English translation for "观察动物" is "observe animals."

This involves watching and studying the behavior, movements, and interactions of various animal species in their natural environment.

What is the English term for "动物行为观察"?

The English term for "动物行为观察" is "animal behavior observation."

It involves closely watching and studying the actions and interactions of different animals in their natural habitats to gain insight into their behavior patterns.

How would you translate "野生动物观察" into English?

The English translation for "野生动物观察" is "wildlife observation."

This term refers to the activity of observing and studying animals in their natural, undomesticated state within their natural habitats.