When you want to tell someone that they can play games now, you ca">





How to say "现在你可以玩游戏了" in English


When you want to tell someone that they can play games now, you can use the phrase "You can play games now."

Using "You can"

The phrase "You can" indicates the ability or permission to do something. In this case, it is used to convey the message that the person is allowed to play games at the present moment.

Adding "play games now"

The addition of "play games now" specifies the specific action that the person is allowed to do. It emphasizes that the individual is free to engage in game-playing activities at this time.

How to express "现在你可以玩游戏了" in English

If you want to express the idea of playing games now in English, you can simply say "Now you can play games."

Using "Now you can"

The use of "Now you can" conveys the immediate availability or ability to do something. It communicates the notion that the person is now able to engage in the activity of playing games.

Including "play games"

By including "play games" in the sentence, it specifies the particular activity that the person is now able to do. It highlights the option for the individual to participate in gaming at this moment.